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Financial Research Report

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Paper Instructions:

Imagine that you are a financial manager researching investments for a client and you have chosen the stock of Apple, Inc. as an investment opportunity. Write a 4 page paper in which you will:

1. Select five financial ratios that you have learned about and analyze the past 3 years of the selected financial ratios for the company; you may obtain this information from the company's financial statements. Determine the company's financial health. (Note: Suggested ratios include, but are not limited to, current ratio, quick ratio, earnings per share, and price earnings ratio.)

2. Based on your financial review, determine the risk level of the stock from your investor's point of view. Indicate key strategies that you may use in order to minimize these perceived risks.

3. Provide your recommendations of this stock as an investment opportunity to your client. Support your rationale with resources, such as peer-reviewed articles and reviews by market analysts.

-list at least five quality academic resources.

171 Words  1 Pages
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