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Based on the Sahara Oasis scenario and using Bloomberg Businessweek B-School Connection resources, research recruitment and respond to the following questions: As the company embarks on a large recruitment campaign, discuss the specific issues in employm

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Paper Instructions:

Based on the Sahara Oasis scenario and using Bloomberg Businessweek B-School Connection resources, research recruitment and respond to the following questions:

As the company embarks on a large recruitment campaign, discuss the specific issues in employment law that should be of concern to hiring managers.
Provide examples of at least 5 questions that cannot be asked of an applicant or statements that cannot be made in recruiting because of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws, and then indicate the corresponding law that makes such questioning impermissible.
What steps would you take to ensure that the employment process is free of potential legal liability and is ethical?
Provide a reference list at the end of your primary task response of at least 5 Bloomberg Businessweek B-School Connection articles, and include in-text citations for the articles in APA format.

145 Words  1 Pages
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