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How Doctors Tell Patients They’re Dying/Being Mortal

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Mortality is part of life but is difficult to face, no matter what the situation is surrounding it.  Whether the patient has been battling with a disease for a long time, or a short time.  Provide a minimum of a two paragraph response.

In the first part of the response, you are the loved one.  Describe what is going through you mind at the beginning of the video when the first physician comes in to speak to you and the patient.  As the days go by and your loved one’s medical condition is deteriorating, describe what you are feeling in detail.

For the second part of the response, you are the Caregiver (Physician).  Describe what you are feeling and thinking as you speak to the patient and his loved one.  As the video advances, you are the one who has to help the family member face the reality of the situation.  How do you feel and what is going through your mind?

173 Words  1 Pages
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