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Wilson and Boleman questions

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Answer the following questions based on this week's readings 450 words):

1) Many early organization theoriests saw individuals as interchangeable cogs in a great bureaucratic machine. The Human resource frame (dating back to Mary Parker Follett and the Hawthorne experiments) argues that people are a resource that need to be encouraged and motivated in order to maximize their own potential as well as that of the organization. In Chapter 7, Bolman and Deal discuss a broad range of possibilities for improving Human Resource management and the committement of individuals to their

organizations. Discuss any four of them and analyze their usefulness and potential limitations for the public sector.

Answer one or both of the following questions based on this week's readings 500 words)

450 Words
2) Wilson notes that, although many of the same agencies exist in countries all over the world, the ways in which they function can vary greatly. Discuss at least three significant factors that contribute to these international differences and analyze their implications for implementation.

450 words
3) In Chapter 17, Bolman and Deal discuss the concept of Reframing Leadership using the four frames outlined in the book. Consider the characteristics of "effective" leaders in three of these frames and discuss the potential and limitations of applying these strategies in a public sector setting.


Bolman, Lee G.and Terrence E. Deal, 2013. Reframing Organizations (5th ed.) San Francisco: Jossey Bass.  

Wilson, James Q. 2000 (1989). Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It.  United States: Basic Books.

264 Words  1 Pages
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