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Paper instructions:

Option One:

After years of hard work and dedication, you’ve been invited to the strategic planning retreat for your organization. At this event, your organization assesses the current state of the business and factors that impact its’ growth. As the HR Director for your company, you have been asked to create a change management handbook for fellow executives. This handbook is not meant to be prescriptive but instead it’s meant to ensure all executives have an understanding of the core principles involved in effective change management.

If you select this option, you will be graded on your ability to clearly articulate concepts we’ve discussed thus far in class. You may include charts, graphs, and diagrams to support your writing.

Option Two:

You are a Co-Founder of a high-profile startup that’s set to have rapid growth over the next year. Your fellow Co-Founders want to be intentional about the culture of the organization and you’ve mentioned the Competing Values of Leadership as a guiding framework. Make the pitch to your fellow Co-Founders about which specific culture (Clan, Adhocracy, Hierarchy, Market) to strive towards and provide supporting details to defend your position.

If you select this option, you will be graded on your ability to clearly articulate the competing values framework. You may choose the industry, size, location, and products/services of your startup.

Paper length of assignment should be minimum of 8 1.5-spaced typed pages (300 words per page) with five different references not including the text in APA format. NO COVER PAGE IS NEEDED.

263 Words  1 Pages
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