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Words, Words, Words by David Ives

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Take two plays that we have read in class, and write a 3-5 page essay exploring one major theme that those works share. For example, you could look in a theme of revenge in Triffles and Words, Words, Words, the theme of death in Tape and Hamlet, or the theme of love, growing up/rites of passage, family, gender, the American Dreamt individuality vs. society in any of the works. 
*Be sure to use specific examples from the works and cite them properly. The paper should be MLA format, double spaced, times new roman font, and 12 size font. 
*Also, use at least one outside scholarly source. You will not receive a proper grade on this paper if you do not do any research. You may also look at the author's biographies to make connections to their works and other work.
* A list of plays that we have read in classso far:
-Tape by Jose Rivera
-Triffles by Susan Glaspell
-Nine Ten by Warren Leight
- Words, Words, Words by David Ives
-Hamlet by Shakespeare
-Metamorphoses by Marry Zimmermann

190 Words  1 Pages
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