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there is a fundamental difference between ‘education’ and ‘schooling’

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Paper Instructions:

Write a research-based, argumentative  essay in which you argue the idea that the there is a fundamental difference between ‘education’ and ‘schooling’ and that once this is recognized, it can be understood that the true purpose of the American school system is not to educate (consider John Taylor Gatto's arguments in "Against School").  In your argument explain that the American schooling system is more about creating good citizens, who willingly conform, consume, and produce rather than truly educating.  And because it is not in the best interest of the society as a whole, a real education is only reserved for those who are privileged or actively take it. Use John Taylor Gatto’s essay, “Against School” as one of your sources. Use three additional sources*, which you cite directly, for a minimum total of four academic sources supporting your argument. You may use one of the other assigned essays from the “education” module as one of your three additional sources.

170 Words  1 Pages
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