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Restaurant Checklist about being Sustainable Chef or Sustainable restaurant owner

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Create a mission and vision of restaurant business in sustainable way.  Bistro bar restaurant  in Toronto - this is the restaurant name.

Create menus, and food products you use in your restaurant that are sustainable.

Make a Checklist regarding about the coursework of Sustainable Chef. Consist of 40 items list must be in the checklist. In that checklist every item has an explanation The first 20 items is all about food products and the rest of the 20 items will be anything as long as it will fall to the category being sustainable chef, like the supplier of the restaurant. There should be at least deal breakers in your check list. Pls see attached the upload pdf for more instruction and here are list of sites for xtra references. The 4P's of being sustainable are PEOPLE, POLICY, PLANET, AND PROFIT. The 3 Pillars of being sustainable are SOCIAL, ECONOMICS, ENVIRONMENT.  ( this site you can see the mission or the vision of this restaurant)        ( sample of a sustainable restaurant checklist)

193 Words  1 Pages
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