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This assignment requires you to write a position paper using the classical argument structure

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Paper Instructions:

This assignment requires you to write a position paper using the classical argument structure.

There are five requirements for the Classical Argument Position Paper:

Write a classical argument position paper of 750-850 words.
Include a title page, headers, and page numbers in correct APA format.
Cite at least four different sources in your paper.
Use the following organization for your paper:
Get the reader's attention by means of an interesting, engaging introduction.
Give the necessary background information so the reader understands the issue.
Clearly state your position.
Provide a forecast of your main points in the paper.
Clearly state the reasons that support your position and support each reason with appropriate and sufficient evidence.
Summarize one major objection and effectively respond to it.
Provide a strong conclusion that summarizes your argument, calls for action and/or leaves a powerful impression.
Use appropriate APA style documentation for in-text citations and a separate references list at the end of the paper.

169 Words  1 Pages
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