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Relationship among various readings and subjects

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Paper instructions:

Midterm Exam:
The Midterm Exam asks you to discuss the relationship among various readings and subjects.  the Midterm Exam requires you to compare and contrast the readings in the text.  It goes beyond simple summary and requires you to think about how to build relationships among the readings.  It allows you to show your intellectual abilities. the Midterm Exam is judged based on how well you can tie the various readings together.  You should have read my weekly comments, and my comments on your individual weekly writing assignments and discussions.  These should help you to understand the material; but you are not to quote, paraphrase, or summarize this material.  Remember, I am asking for the relationships.  Do not simply write summaries of the text. The examination is supposed to be your original work.  Do not go to outside sources for your answer

151 Words  1 Pages
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