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Why are you interested in teaching at a charter school and passionate about working in urban education?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Why are you interested in teaching at a charter school and passionate about working in urban education?
In terms of student behavior management, on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being less structured, based primarily on student relationships to 10 being structured, based on consistent expectations, where would you place yourself and why?
In order to develop and support our teachers, they receive weekly observations, feedback, and coaching from their instructional leaders. One way that teachers receive feedback is through in the moment, real time feedback. This is when an instructional leader, after observing for a bit, will provide feedback to a teacher during the lesson. The feedback is either given off to the side while the students are doing a turn and talk or independent work, or the instructional leader may jump in and teach side-by-side with the teacher to model a practice they’d like to see implemented in that lesson. After reading this, what are you thoughts on receiving this sort of feedback in the moment?
At our school e have school-wide rules, routines, procedures, and systems for consistency in expectations across the school. We also have an in-house curriculum based on the common core standards where teachers are provided the curriculum and differentiate for students’ needs, but for the most part are following the curriculum as provided. Do you have any concerns about following school-wide systems, or teaching from lesson plans that were not authored by you?
At our school teachers typically arrive prior to 7am and stay after students are dismissed until 4:30pm. Do you have any concerns about this schedule?

274 Words  1 Pages
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