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Argue for or against the death penalty

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Based on 2 of the books we read in class (Hand to Mouth by Linda Trado, Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson, Justice: What’s the Right Thing To Do? By Michael J. Sandro) and your individual research write a 6 to 8 page paper for or against one of the three following statements Communal welfare and safety is more important for a just society than individual rights and welfare US citizens need to be vitally concerned with global injustices such as education for the girl child, hunger, international impacts of climate change Because on the eighth amendment clause about cruel and unusual punishment as well as the documented number of wrongful convictions in capital murder cases the US Supreme Court should ban the death penalty assignment requirements 1. The essay must utilize two class reading sources and in substantial ways 2. The essay must also include as references at least three academic journal articles or scholarly manusсrіpts 3. The essay must reference at least four of the critical thinking questions as listed below 4. 12 font 1 inch margins 5. footnotes and bibliography style MLA format 6. please turn in the essay on turn it in 1. what is the central point? 2. what questions are explicitly or implicitly raised by the (article, film, speech, etc)? 3. what, if any, evidence is used to support the central point? 4. how sound is the evidence (qualitative evidence or quantitative evidence)? 5. are there other ways to interpret the evidence? 6. are the concepts explained and employed properly? 7. is anything being taken for granted or assumed? 8. if we accept or reject what is asserted, what are the consequences? 9. are there other points of view on this subject? 10. Are there any biases that may affect the validity of the arguments?

309 Words  1 Pages
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