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Develop an issues paper that explores the risk factors associated with particular contexts and the development of strategies and processes to ameliorate these risks and their impact on early childhood and primary education.

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Develop an issues paper that explores the risk factors associated with particular contexts and the development of strategies and processes to ameliorate these risks and their impact on early childhood and primary education.

Task Description: The Issues Paper consists of six components that must be addressed. They are as follows:

1. Choose an issue that relates to your own past experiences of family, schooling, work, and friendships. The issue you'll be writing about is bad teacher relationship. (Because you didn't get on with the teacher, didn't hand it assignment, missed classes etc.) 

They are also specific to individuals and their unique contexts of learning and development. You must select one of the issues from those listed on  

2. Briefly outline the issue and how it relates to you on a personal level. Include research to support your issue.

3. Use Bronfenbrenner’s model to explain how your issue fits into the systems and how the issue affects, or has affected, your learning and development.

4. Make recommendations of processes and strategies for future decisions and provide a rationale for the recommendations you make using research as evidence.

Consistent evidence of comprehensive understanding of the unit content; demonstration of an extremely high level of interpretive and analytical ability and intellectual initiative; substantial originality and insight in identifying, creating and developing arguments, perspectives and critical evaluation of problems; and high level of communication and application appropriate to the discipline. 

Rubic. Must meet these area's 

Adherence to Focus Issue Scenario criteria
Extensive understanding of links between Bio ecological model and context of the Focus Issue. Includes extensive recommendations for the major topic

Evidence of consolidation of learning.
Analysis, critique and synthesis
The Focus Issue response was articulate, logical, balanced and convincing. A diverse range of perspectives was offered. All important aspects are covered demonstrating extensive knowledge of the developmental areas. 

Evidence to support the analysis

An extensive range of relevant literature utilised with sophisticated interpretation and analysis. 

Organisation, Presentation and Referencing
Information shows extensive level of organisation. Clearly presented, using appropriate grammar, spelling and punctuation. Referencing is correct, complete and demonstrates an extensive engagement with academic literature. 

363 Words  1 Pages
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