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English 201 Refutation Paragraph –Possible 100 pointsAudience:An academic audience with little to know understanding of the topic. Writing Style:Argumentative  Purpose:to analyze and explain how the different elements of a work function together to achieve the author's point Background: The refutation paragraph shows your readers that you’re being fair, that you’ve carefully thought about both sides of a debate before making up your mind.One of the most important things to remember about the Refutation paragraph is that it shouldn’t offer support for the opposite side of your argument.  You don’t argue for the opposition, the other side of the debate you’ve chosen.  You would just be contradicting yourself and confusing your readers.  Instead, a refutation paragraph should acknowledge the other side of the argument, to show readers that you’re being fair, but it should then show disagreement with the opposition and helpthe readers see the logic in the claim made in your own thesis.Ultimately, the refutation paragraph argues for the claim made in the essay’s thesis while showing the flawed logic of those who might think otherwise.  It should never present a different argument than the one in the thesis.  Just summarize the opposition’s point, plainly and fairly, and then show the flawed reasoning in it.Show that you understand the objections that readers may have to your claim/argument, that you have carefully considered them, but your job is to refute those objections, not to support them.Assignment:  Using one of the antithetical points worked on in class, create antithetical paragraph and refute it.  Remember to use the structure we have been working with. Structure: Your Essay must be written in MLA format; please see CANVAS for more information.  It must be 1 page in length, typed, double spaced, and be written in 12 point Times New Roman font.

310 Words  1 Pages
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