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Write a 1-paragraph reflection about the process that you went through each time you wrote an assignment.

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Paper Instructions:

Write a 1-paragraph reflection about the process that you went through each time you wrote an assignment. I do not want a summary of the writing process; instead, I want you to tell me how you got stuck and then unstuck when you were writing. What did you think about? How did you use your thinking to try to improve your paragraphs? How did what you learned in class help or not help? How did the teacher and student feedback help you? In this well-written paragraph, I expect to learn about you as a writer – not just read that you went through the writing process each time

Please also answer (separately) the following questions:
1) What was the most difficult part of this class for you? (It could be anything from writing to grammar to understanding the teacher.)
2) What did you learn (in general) in this class?
3) What did you learn (about writing) in this class?
4) What would have made this class better? Be specific.

179 Words  1 Pages
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