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When considering the whole essay in revision, how do you understand FACT? What is your definition of each of the letters of this revision strategy? What are some questions that you would ask of the text when considering each letter? How does this approach

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In a 100-200-word short essay, address the following questions: When considering the whole essay in revision, how do you understand FACT? What is your definition of each of the letters of this revision strategy? What are some questions that you would ask of the text when considering each letter? How does this approach help to ensure that the essay has a holistic revision approach? 

Your essay will also be graded on its development and completeness. Be sure that you revise and proofread your response. If you use outside sources, including your textbooks, you need to use quotation marks for lifted language, as well as in-text and reference list citations. If your essay is less than 100 words, you will not receive full credit.

134 Words  1 Pages
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