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In Pursuit of Happyness

Title: In Pursuit of Happyness

Author: Chris Gardner

How did you experience the book?

The book was interesting due to the flow of events which were systematic, with one action leading to the other.

Were you engaged immediately, or did it take you a while to "get into it"?

It took a while to get engaged into the book, as it focused on poverty in the beginning but later on the results of hard work and determination were evident.

How did you feel reading it—amused, sad, disturbed, confused, bored...?

I was amused after reading the book, owing to the fact that despite of the challenges that Chris Gardner went through, in the end he was rewarded.

Rate the experience of the book on a scale of 1-10 (highlight range):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

What is the setting? When and where does this take place?

The setting of the book is in San Francisco, in a Lodging House, in the Glide Memorial Church, inside the bus as well as in the Stock Broker office where Chris worked as an intern, in 1981 to 1987.

Talk about the book's structure. Is it a continuous story...or interlocking short stories?

The book features a continuous story which has different themes with poverty as the main theme.

Does the timeline move forward chronologically...or back and forth between past and present?

The story moves chronologically forward, from the moment Chris Gardner has a small family to the point where he is left by his wife due to the lack of finances, and finally when he finally lands the job after years of suffering.

Does the author use a single viewpoint or shifting viewpoints?

The author uses single viewpoint, whereby the main character only focuses on his work.

Why might the author have chosen to tell the story the way he or she did—and what difference does it make in the way you read or understand it?

The story is written in chronological order since it provides an understanding of how things change in life from one point to another if one becomes determined.

Describe the main characters — personality traits, motivations, inner qualities. Why do characters do what they do? Are their actions justified? Do you admire or disapprove of them? Do they remind you of people you know?

Chris Gardner, is a loving and caring father, who is hardworking as well as determined. He loves and takes care of his son even after being left by his wife (Gardner, Troupe, & Rivas, 2006). He works so hard to make both ends so as to take of his son as well as himself even though he is homeless. Due to determination, he is able to land a job at a place where he worked as an intern for six months without pay. I strongly admire his actions, as he is focused on achieving his goals regardless of what comes his way, he reminds me of most of the people I know.

Is the plot engaging—does the story interest you? Is this a plot driven book: a fasted paced page turner? Or does the story unfold slowly with a focus on character development?

The plot is engaging as the story unfolds slowly with a focus on character development.

Were you surprised by the plot's complications? Or did you find it predictable, even formulaic?

I was surprised with the plots complications as the flow of events were not predictable.

What is the main conflict? What do the main character(s) want? Person v. Person? Person v. Self? Person v. Environment (or society)? What main ideas—themes—does the author explore? (Consider the title, often a clue to a theme.) Does the author use symbols to reinforce the main ideas? (In a single sentence, what is the book about?)

The main conflict is between Chris and his wife Linda, who is not impressed when his husband does get enough money to support the family, making her to leave him with their son (Gardner, Troupe, & Rivas, 2006). 

What passages strike you as insightful, even profound? Perhaps a bit of dialog that's funny or poignant or that encapsulates a character? Maybe there's a particular comment that states the book's thematic concerns? Include a description of the most significant scene.

The author explores the theme of poverty, which eventually leads to the theme of happiness in the end. The author uses symbols to reinforce the main ideas, thus creating an understanding of the challenges that people go through in real life situations.

The most significant scene is when Chris is about to finish his internship, and being the last day of the six month internship, he decides to dress casually knowing that he will not be picked as an employee. Nevertheless, he is eventually picked as an employee, a moment which makes him happy as he finally achieves his goal of getting a job (Gardner, Troupe, & Rivas, 2006).

Is the ending satisfying? If so, why? If not, why not--and how would you change it? Explain (3-4 lines).

The end is satisfying for the reason that Chris is able to regain what he had initially lost. Chris had lost his lifetime savings after investing in bone scanner machines which he was not able to sell. Nonetheless, after acquiring the job, he was able to raise enough money to start a stock broker company.

If you could ask the author a question, what would you ask? Have you read other books by the same author? If so how does this book compare? If not, does this book inspire you to read others like it? (5-6 lines)

I would ask the author how he felt after acquiring the job and later on starting his own stoker broker company. This is because the book is based on author’s real life story. The book inspires me to read others like it, as it encourages me to forge forward regardless of the challenges I may be facing. It also makes one to think critically based on the flow of events. In addition, Chris Gardner’s success comes after suffering which explains the significance of determination (Gardner, Troupe, & Rivas, 2006).

How has this novel changed or affected you, or broadened your perspective? Have you learned something new or been exposed to different ideas about people or a certain part of the world? (This is not merely a yes or no response; you must glean something from reading this that adds to your knowledge. 5-6 lines  

From the book I have learned the importance of remaining focused on the cause. Similarly, I have also understood that money is the cause of most marriage problems. Linda left Chris with his son because of financial issues (Gardner, Troupe, & Rivas, 2006). Furthermore, nothing is impossible through hard work and determination. One we focus on what is important, we tend to achieve our goals. Lastly, success is determined by the effort one puts in, in whatever he or she desires to achieve.


Gardner, C., Troupe, Q., & Rivas, M. E. (2006). The pursuit of happyness. New York: Amistad.


1185 Words  4 Pages
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