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How did King Leopold maintain control over a vast African country like the Congo from a tiny European country like Belgium? Describe at least three different ways he maintained control.

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Paper instructions:

The Book Used In this Course is "Jackson J. Spielvogel Western Civilization Volume C: Since 1789 The Eighth Edition"

Read the chapter I hand out from the book King Leopold's ghost on imperialism in the Congo. write one paragraph each on the following:

1. How did King Leopold maintain control over a vast African country like the Congo from a tiny European country like Belgium? Describe at least three different ways he maintained control.

2.  This article contains a number of disturbing images, as well as a number of cartoons. Choose an image or cartoon and write about what you see and what it teaches us about imperialism in the Congo.
3. How did Africans in the Congo try to rebel against colonial rule? What happened?

The Article she give us is Adam Hochschild King Leopold's Ghost 

146 Words  1 Pages
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