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Reflecting on my technical writing

Course Reflection




Subject: Corse Reflection

Reflecting on my technical writing course and the various projects within my course along with my future career, I realized that this course has had a great impact in my life. My technical course; 2182-ENGL-2338-702, has taught me so much within this semester as it has taught me how to write in a professional way which I can greatly utilize in my future career. As I have continued to learn in this course, I have been able to change the manner in which I formerly used to write a resume and cover letter. Presently, while writing these documents, I have learnt to consider making the resume fit in to the job position being applied for. Now that I have attained all of these abilities by simply taking this course, I am convinced that these abilities will be of use for the entire duration of my future profession. Fluff reduction is one of the old skills that I have really gained throughout the course and it has played a great part in teaching me on how to be straight forward while giving out a point in a paper. This has thus enhanced me to have an effective communication with my colleagues in class and also will be used in my future workplace. Writing a cover letter on a given job is one of my old skills that I have so far improved on. This technical writing course has given me a chance to present myself in a professional way now and also in my future undertakings.

Through my writing assignments, I have learned several wring techniques and styles such as writing instructions. Analzing and critiquing a technical piece of writing is important in technical writing career and through the writing assignment, I have been able to learn these techniques. These skills have thus enhanced me to be able to explain a task efficiently to other people and also in an understandable way.  For instance, I have started writing articles on my website and from the response that I have been receiving from some of my readers is positive as they assert that I have successfully utilized my skills by writing good technical pieces that they are able to fluidly understand. What I have learned in all of these concepts within the course makes me be a better candidate for employers since I am now able to write an organized, straightforward and understandable work. These skills are quite essential for my future career and also in any aspect of my life in the day to day encounters. I am planning on using these skills in my internship program after the course. However, I am presently using these skills in all of my group projects and this has yielded good results. For instance, I was unable to deliver one of my assignments on time and since I had to deliver the bad news to my group members, I had to send a memo to them explaining my reasons for not being able to deliver the work on time. This greatly helped in saving the entire group from being penalized for late delays as there was a supporting documentation explaining the late submission. The course is good for everyone aspiring to be in the writing career.


550 Words  2 Pages
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