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Between the World and Me

Between the World and Me

This is a book written by Coates after the realization of those people responsible for the murder of one of his friends would be set free. In the same year, two other people had been killed by the police officers. This book largely focuses on the hardships and persecution that a black man faces in the United States. The first part of the book concentrates on the experience Coates faces as a young man (Coates, 2015). Growing up in the city of Baltimore was dangerous since, at any time, one could be dead since it was insecure to walk around but later persevered and went to study on being a writer.

The second part starts after his son is born and begins with some discussions about an African American man who was murdered by police officers and justice never prevailed. Coates moves to New York to continue with writing and eventually moves to France with the family. Last part is how Coates visited the mother of the black man killed she is a successful woman rising from poverty just to give the family what was never given to her.

During an interview, the question of racism is projected towards Coates and he feels that racism is something that will never end. America is a land that is built on the blood and sweat of slaves and he being a black man escalates the possibility of increased pain (Coates, 2015). Violence and looting are what makes America great. Genocide and slavery never leave the mouth of American land. Having a happy family, a smart house which is filled with numerous flowers is basically the American dream and is built on the backs of the black people and other groups of the minority.




Coates, T. N. (2015). Between the world and me. Text publishing.       

308 Words  1 Pages
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