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Discuss and evaluate the composition and nature of the Old Testament Scriptures as a source of truth and analyze the Old Testament's credibility and reliability.

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Paper Instructions:

Session 1 Journal: Beginnings
Discuss and evaluate the composition and nature of the Old Testament Scriptures as a source of truth and analyze the Old Testament's credibility and reliability.

Each session, by the date given in the due dates table, you are to write a 3-4 paragraph reflective journal entry in response to a specific question.  You are not expected to do additional research, but should integrate from reading and other assignments your understanding related to the assigned topic. Review the following:

Arnold and Beyer (2015), pages 1-13
It is the goal of this assignment for you to demonstrate an integration of what you are learning and make application to your life. These entries are worth 20 points each. Please review the grading criteria provided in the rubric linked to this assignment

143 Words  1 Pages
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