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The Signifyin(g) Monkey

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Objectives: How do you feel about Gates′ idea of ″Signifying″ in the provided examples of African-American Literature (ballads)? Discuss how you are able to recognize this art in process? Which areas stand out to you most? Please explain. 1) Describe and apply Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr.′s concept of ″Signifyin(g)″ (the Vernacular Tradition). 2) Demonstrate how the concept of ″Signifyin(g)″ (the Vernacular Tradition) is recognizable in African-American Literature 3) Explain the concept and recognize the art of ″Signifyin(g)″ (the Vernacular Tradition) in African American Literature while engaging in future readings Agenda: (you are responsible for finding the book online) Chapter 1--pages 23-27 Chapter 2--pages 64-106 Please review the list on page 93. 1) Read the excerpt from ″A Myth of Origins: Esu- Elegbara and the Signifying Monkey″ by Henry Louis Gates Jr. 2) Read ″Chapter 2- The Signifying Monkey and the Language of Signifyin(g): Rhetorical Difference and the Orders of Meaning″ by Henry Louis Gates Jr. 3) Read the Ballads ″The Signifying Monkey,″ and ″Stackolee″ (examples of work displaying the art of the Vernacular

187 Words  1 Pages
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