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Paper instructions:

In the intro be more specific do not get too vague.
In paragraph 2 just discuss Karen do not discuss Knowles in the paragraph just discuss the topic sentence put a quotation of Karen so the paragraph is not unified.
In paragraph 3 explain Karens point more and quote it before showing how it relates to Gene. Then show how Gene is related. then show how and when gene is jealous be specific.
Paragraph 4 needs to be more unified around the topic sentence do not discuss Gene since Karen is the topic sentence. Develop and quote Karen.
Get Gene in the thesis. 
Get one paragraph on Karen talking about jealousy then another paragraph on gene to Karen on jealousy. 
Please make the paper more specific with examples and relevant quotations.
I apologize for the long list of things but this is what my professor wants thank you so much.

159 Words  1 Pages
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