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Insufficient parking in an apartment building.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Please take note of all the instructions before you start to write. This worth 150 points and is my end of term paper. So please follow all the instructions carefully. The thesis statement should be clear.

This paper must be 1250-1500 words, word-processed and double-spaced, with a margin of one inch wide on all sides.  Grammar, spelling, and overall neatness will certainly affect your final grade on the paper, so be sure to write carefully and allow yourself time to proofread and correct your paper before turning it in.

In the first part of the paper, you will introduce the problem, explain why it is a problem, and tell who suffers from the problem.  In the second part of the paper, you will offer a practical, workable solution and describe how you would implement that solution. You will have to do library research for this paper and document your research according to the Modern Language Association system. You must support your writing by citing 4 separate sources: use what you learned about evaluating research sources. 

You must turn in a formal outline and a Works Cited page along with the problem paper. 

In your paper, you must include at least ten but no more than twenty citations (direct quotations, paraphrases, or summaries), and no direct quotation may be longer than three consecutive lines long. 

Choose a topic from those listed below and develop a specific thesis based on your research on that topic.  Pick one specific problem that you will specifically solve in the final paper of the term.  The topic I have already picked is  Insufficient parking in an apartment building.

  First, you have to explain that it's a problem and why.  Do residents of the building have enough spaces to park their cars?  If not, what do they do?  Do they have to park several blocks away and walk home?  Is that dangerous?  Inconvenient?  Are non-residents using resident parking spaces?  Do the resident's fight with one another about using/saving parking spaces?  

You can talk to your neighbors and include your own experiences--but most of your evidence should come from research sources.  So start looking for websites and newspaper/magazine articles about residential parking in urban areas.  I think you will find plenty of sources.  Start with Opposing Viewpoints. 

Of course, you also have to write a solution.  So think about that.  Should the parking spaces be assigned for residents?  Should the building owner buy nearby land to put in another parking lot for residents?  Should residents be encouraged to give up their cars?  

Assume your audience is made up of intelligent and curious adults who do not know much about your particular subject matter.  Your job is to explain everything they need to know in order to understand why the problem is serious and why your solution to the problem is the best one.

These are the  4 sources you must use for this paper. Please do not use any other outside source(S). Google these four sources and use them.

Broadwater, Luke. “Parking Crisis -- In Parts of Baltimore, Cars Outnumber Spots 2-to-1.”, 20 Oct. 2010,

Ibrahim, Hossam El-Din. “Car Parking Problem in Urban Areas, Causes, and Solutions.” SSRN
Electronic Journal, 2017, DOI:10.2139/ssrn.3163473. (Revised: September 14, 2018)

Johnson, Emma. “Residents Frustrated over Parking Crisis at Murray Apartment Complexes.”
ABC4 Utah, ABC4 Utah, 7 Aug. 2019,

Postrel, Virginia. “California Parking Regulations Are a Big Part of Its Housing Crisis.”, Bloomberg, 6 Mar. 2018,

Problem Section—2/3 pages

Introductory Paragraph

Cite from most of your research sources to prove the problem exists and is serious and needs a solution. 

Try to answer most of the following questions about the problem: 

What exactly is wrong?  (Be specific)

Why is it a problem? 

Who suffers from the problem? 

Solution Section—2/3 pages

Transition to Solution Section

Include a quotation/statistic or two from your research sources to support your solution. 

But mostly invent a solution to match the problem very precisely.  

Try to answer most of the following questions about the solution: 

How exactly will the problem be fixed?

What will be needed: equipment, staff, 

How long has the problem been going on?  

Is the problem causing a loss of money?  

Is the problem causing inconvenience?

Is the problem causing loss of productivity? 

Is the problem causing danger? 

Is there injustice because of the problem? 

Are there other negative consequences?  

What future bad effects might result if the problem is left unsolved?  

Answer the problem questions that apply to your topic.  If one or two questions don’t apply to your topic (if the problem is inconvenient but not dangerous, for example), then don’t answer the question about the danger.

training, location?

Who will do what to make the solution happen?

How long will the solution take?


How much money will the solution cost?

Where will the money come from? 

Where will the solution take place? 

How and when you will measure the effects of your solution?  

Concluding Paragraph

855 Words  3 Pages
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