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The comparative analysis is part classification, as its purpose is to identify the defining elements of each discipline. Being able to identify the specific focus, audience, language, style, structure, and purpose of various texts allows one to better und

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Paper Instructions:

Comparative Rhetorical Analysis of Disciplines 

Objectives: Differentiate the language, style, and format in sample writings for different disciplines o Discuss the writing strategies for each discipline o Review and practice MLA style and documentation 

The comparative analysis is part classification, as its purpose is to identify the defining elements of each discipline. Being able to identify the specific focus, audience, language, style, structure, and purpose of various texts allows one to better understand the use of conventions, and how to use these conventions to reach specific discourse communities. Reading articles from the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences will increase literacy in these specific areas and help one acquire the needed language skills to approach each discipline. It will increase knowledge of discipline- specific language and reinforce effective reading strategies to process, comprehend, and critically analyze a wide range of texts.  Assignment: This assignment will include three articles, each from a different discipline. You will read all three articles and determine which article belongs to the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences. You will then produce a two-page essay wherein you discuss and compare the language, style, and format for each article. Consider the following questions: Minus journal titles, what indicates each article’s discipline? How is the overall paper organized? What writing strategies are being used? 

Requirements: o Two full pages, double-spaced o Times New Roman, 12-point black font o MLA style and documentation—including a works cited page for the three provided articles (see articles provided under the assignment link, please) o Use of academic third person (no first person “I” or second person “you,” please) o Comparative discussion o Discussion of language, style, format, and focus of the disciplines, to include textu

297 Words  1 Pages
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